Thursday, March 10, 2011

Independence and Service Routines

During the week the Learners are involved with the running of the residential - Their work routines includes security, stores, cleaning which includes the centre vehicles, food preparation and cooking, kit stores and maintenance of boats and equipment.

Clean Sweep
Getting to Grips with Kitchen Skills


Room Inspections

 Cpl Richie Wilson (Recruiting Corporal RAF Careers office) joined the residential staff team, advising and observing learners during 5 day residential.

A number of learners completed the RAF fitness test in readiness for applying to join the Royal Air Force, upon completion of their course


Cool under Pressure
Learners' Preparing Meals for their Team Mates. (Over 650 meals and snacks are prepared and consumed during the residential) 

Learner Comment - Elouise Taylor, Danielle Spiers, Sylwia Marzuchowska

Since attending Llanbedr our communication skills have improved greatly because of the activities that we have had practised.

Our confidence and determination has also improved when doing the high ropes course, as some of us were scared of heights but have still put the effort in to get as high has they can.
As a result of the morning runs for our fitness levels have improved.

We have learned how to live with one another and about each other.

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