Develop team working skills
This blog clearly shows that the students have demonstrated an understanding of teamwork and associated tasks. The learners have demonstrated that they have developed their own role within a team and have shown that they understand and value co-operative relationships within a team and know how these can be developed, demonstrating that they have met the following criteria.
1.1 Follow an action plan in response to a team activity
1.2 Maintain relationships within the team
1.3 Participate in a review of the activity
1.4 Explain the importance of planning in team work
1.5 Define the characteristics of an effective team
1.6 Identify own role and responsibility within the team
1.7 Explain the importance of team work in uniformed services
Demonstrate basic foot drill within a team
2.1 Identify the aims of drill
2.2 Follow common drill commands
2.3 Perform common drill movements
Unit 5 Carry out Map Reading and Navigationcarry
All the learners’ achieved a Bronze National Navigation Award demonstrating that they have met the following criteria.
1.1 Identify the basic use of a compass including the use of cardinal points
1.2 List different types of maps.
1.3 Explain the relationship between distances on the ground to that on a map.
1.4 Identify conventional symbols used on different types of maps.
1.5 Draw a simple map that others can use to locate a particular point of reference.
1.6 Plan a route using map and compass
1.7 List health and safety measures for routes on foot.
1.8 Undertake a planned route using map and compass.
Participate in outdoor adventurous activities.
The learners also actively participated in Canadian canoeing activities demonstrating that they have an understanding of the following criteria
1. Know about different water based outdoor and adventurous activities.
2.Understand how risks are managed in water-based outdoor and adventurous activities.
3. Be able to participate in water based outdoor and adventurous
4. Know about personal skills development in water based outdoor
1.1List different types of adventurous activities.
1.2Outline personal qualities that relate to adventurous activities.
1.3 Explain safety issues for one adventurous activity.
2.1Identify equipment needed for the activity.
2.2 Follow safety guidelines when undertaking the activity.
2.3 Participate in at least one outdoor activity.
2.4Review own participation in adventurous activities.
City and Guilds Employability and Personal Development.
Effective Skills, Qualities and Attitudes for Learning and Work.
Criteria 1.2
Demonstrate behaviours appropriate to learning and work.
Criteria 1.3
Demonstrate motivation (e.g. contribute to discussions/complete work on time).
Criteria 1.4
Demonstrate commitment (e.g. punctual, regular attendance).
Criteria 1.5
Demonstrate ability to adapt to simple changes.
Criteria 2.1
Give examples of appropriate and inappropriate communication.
Criteria 2.2
Use positive body language.
Criteria 2.3
Greet colleagues or customers in an appropriate manner.
Criteria 2.4
Respond to simple questions from colleagues and/or customers.
Criteria 2.5
Accept positive and negative feedback.
Receive and respond to instructions.
Criteria 3.2
Check own understanding of instructions.
Criteria 3.3
State the task that needs to be done and the deadline.
Criteria 3.4
Confirm the help, materials, equipment and/or tools needed to carry out the task.
Criteria 3.5
Works safely following health and safety guidelines.
Criteria 3.6
Complete the task as directed to the required standard.
Criteria 3.7
Shares information, skills with others.